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SO2 digital output module for food safety inspection

Date:2020-12-23 11:29:21

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Sulfur dioxide is a colorless and transparent gas with a pungent odor. Soluble in water, ethanol and ether. It is a reducing bleaching agent allowed by the country to be used in certain food industries. It can bleach food and strongly inhibit oxidase in plant foods. According to national regulations, sulfur dioxide can be used in wine and fruit wine, the maximum consumption is 0.25 g/kg, and the residual amount is less than 0.05 g/kg.
In addition, sulfur dioxide can also be used to smoke dried fruits, preserved fruits, dried vegetables, vermicelli and preserved fruits. Sulfur dioxide can be used to smoke fruit slices, destroy cells, promote drying, increase reduction, destroy the oxidation system of enzymes in preserved fruits, and inhibit the growth of molds and bacteria. The tannins in the preserved fruit will not be oxidized and become brown. The concentration of sulfur dioxide in the fumigation room is generally 1% ~ 2%, up to 3%. The sulfur fumigation time is 30-50min, and the longest time is 3h.

With the improvement of the quality of life of our people, people are paying more and more attention to food safety. Although sulfur dioxide is a commonly used food additive in the food industry, it also has certain toxicity. Acute poisoning can cause irritation of the eyes, nose, and mucous membranes, and severe throat spasm, throat edema, and bronchospasm can occur. Inhalation of large amounts can cause pulmonary edema, suffocation, coma and even death.
Gongcui.com learned that the rational use of sulfur dioxide in accordance with the standards will not cause harm to human health, but long-term excessive exposure to sulfur dioxide may cause human respiratory diseases and various tissue damage. Each food additive must undergo a rigorous risk assessment before being included in the standard. It is safe as long as it passes risk assessment, obtains approval, and uses it in accordance with standards and corresponding quality specifications.
The food additives permitted in the "National Food Safety Standards and Food Additives Standards" (GB2760-2014) have been evaluated for safety. Sulfur dioxide used in compliance with the standards will not harm consumers' health. If you want to monitor SO2 in food, you can choose the SO2 sensor module.