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Causes and solutions of hypoxia in plateau

Date:2020-11-12 17:23:11

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The beautiful scenery and strange customs in the west are really fascinating! Western tourism has become popular in recent years. Many tourists go to the west to appreciate the western scenery, but the lack of oxygen in many parts of the western plateau is also really frightening!
Although air is an invisible and intangible thing, it is a substance composed of many kinds of gas molecules, and it is also affected by the attraction of the earth's center. Because air is a compressible gas, the upper layer When the air presses on the lower layer of air, the density of the lower layer of air increases. The higher the place from the ground, the lower the pressure from the upper layer of air, so the density is smaller. The size of this density is the dense or thin air. So It is said that the higher the distance from the ground, the thinner the air and the lower the oxygen content.
Causes of hypoxia at high altitude
From sea level to an altitude of 100,000 meters, the content of oxygen in the air is about 21%. The air in the plateau is thin and the partial pressure of oxygen is low, causing people to lack oxygen at the plateau.
What are the ways to improve hypoxia
(1) Oxygen inhalation by oxygen concentrator or oxygen cylinder: it is a traditional nasal tube or open mask oxygen inhalation method, which is convenient and practical, but the correction of hypoxia is small, and sometimes it is inconvenient due to the influence of power supply or oxygenation.
(2) Micro-pressure soft oxygen cabin: It is a new type of oxygen therapy equipment developed in recent years. Under a low-pressure oxygen-enriched environment (pressure 1.3~1.5ATA), the cabin is equivalent to returning to the plain area, and the effect is better than Ordinary nasal cannula for oxygen.
(3) Medical hyperbaric oxygen chamber: It can improve hypoxia quickly and efficiently, and is the first choice for the treatment of serious complications such as high altitude cerebral edema and pulmonary edema.
In recent years, people have put forward the concept of diffuse oxygen supply, and through the pressure swing adsorption oxygen generator on-site oxygen generation method, the implementation of diffuse oxygen supply to the room, unfortunately, does not work well. On the one hand, because of the low power of the pressure swing adsorption oxygen production, the indoor oxygen concentration cannot be adjusted and controlled, and the power consumption is large, the noise pollution is severe, which is not conducive to the improvement of the living environment, and it cannot meet the large area of ​​oxygen supply. demand.
Practice has proved that the implementation of diffuse oxygen supply to the room with liquid oxygen can effectively deal with the problem of high altitude hypoxia. This method discards the technical route of on-site PSA oxygen production, and forms a diffuse oxygen supply in the room through the liquid oxygen method. The front end is installed with a low-temperature liquid oxygen storage tank like a hospital oxygen supply system. After the liquid oxygen is gasified, it is transported to the room through an oxygen pipeline. Because 1m3 of liquid oxygen can be vaporized into 800m3 of gaseous oxygen, it can quickly increase the indoor oxygen concentration. Install an oxygen concentration control system indoors to complete the active control of indoor oxygen concentration, accurately measure the oxygen consumption of each household, and charge at a certain price to ensure the sustainability of the project. In order to detect the oxygen concentration, it is recommended to use the British SST fluorescent oxygen sensor (O2 sensor)-LOX-02. It can be used in conjunction with the British SST fluorescent oxygen sensor evaluation board-LOX-EVB, and the effect is even greater.
Fluorescence Oxygen Sensor (O2 Sensor)-LOX-02 is an oxygen sensor that uses the principle of fluorescence quenching and factory calibration to measure the ambient oxygen partial pressure (ppO2). LuminOx measures oxygen partial pressure and temperature. The external pressure sensor allows the sensor to output the oxygen concentration value and the pressure value; combined with the traditional low power consumption of electrochemical sensors, the non-consumption sensing principle makes it have a longer life. LuminOx has oxygen pressure and temperature compensation, so that it can work accurately in a wide range of environments without the need for additional compensation systems. Unlike other sensor technologies, LuminOx is very stable and environmentally friendly, does not contain lead or any other toxic materials, and is not affected by cross interference from other gases.